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Rebecca Hayes grew up in East Orange, New Jersey, the daughter of an elementary school teacher and a Baptist minister.
As a teacher, Hayes taught homeless children in a county shelter. She also taught first through third grades and science and math at Montclair Kimberley Academy, Montclair, New Jersey. After retiring, she taught on the Salt River Maricopa Pima Reservation in Scottsdale, Arizona. As a resident of Ambler, PA, Hayes gives writing presentations along with her publications at libraries, schools, and book fairs. Hayes received honorable mention twice from Writer’s Digest and published stories in several Heartwarmers Anthologies. Her first published novel was released in 2011, a middle-grade historical fiction. A Playmate for Imani is her second children’s book through 4RV Publishing. Concepcion’s New Look was her first. A member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, she now resides in a suburb of Philadelphia, PA. |